P e r l   U n i v e r s a l   M a r k u p
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Puma 1.0.2 Released and 1.1 Development Branch Created Saturday, May 4, 2002
Not a lot of major changes; shuffled around a few things, added a few niceties and converted the docs to HTML. Get the release notes here and pick up the new tarball here
The most important thing is that we're back on a development branch. It's a hulluvalot more fun than the release branch.

New Samples and Task Lists Sunday, March 17, 2002
I've received a number of e-mails asking what work needs to be done, so I've added a new section to the website with help wanted listings, current project work and a todo / wish list.
I've also added a snapshot of this website to the downloads section.

Puma 1.0.1 Released Friday, March 8, 2002
Pick up the new tarball here
You may have also noticed that I re-worked this web site to make it more usable. It took me a couple of days, but I think the results were worth the time.

Project Website Is Up Wednesday, February 13, 2002
The announcements have been sent out! The project website is up! Puma is now officially released into the wild!
Get the code. Tear it apart. Find bugs. Make feature requests. It's time to set this puppy in motion.
I've already logged one bug, fixed one bug, and made two feature requests already. I guess this means that release 1.0.1 isn't too far off. "Release early and release often"

Puma 1.0.0 Released Tuesday, February 12, 2002
It's finally here - the first full release of Puma. Get it here.
My next little project is to make this site more usable and polish off the SourceForge stuff.

We Will Release No Code Before Its Time Sunday, February 10, 2002
Sorry guys, There will be a minor delay before release 1.0 of Puma. I don't want to release without at least a minimal level of documentation, so I'm delaying for a few days. It should be ready by Wednesday.

We've been SourceForged! Wednesday, January 30, 2002
We are now listed on SourceForge under the project name, "pumaperl". See the main page at http://pumaperl.sourceforge.net/ and the project page at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pumaperl/.
The project is rather bare right now, but it sould be in a usable state by Friday, February 8, 2002.